
Posts Tagged ‘lottery ticket’

A great way to learn about creating and writing knitting patterns is to deconstruct a number of them and put them back together according to your actual body measurements. I have done this many times in the process of teaching myself what goes into developing and writing patterns today. Quite inadvertently I have found the one thing that truly calls to me: vintage patterns. Whether they are knitting or crochet, there is nothing like them to drive me nuts. And I prefer to drive myself nuts instead of having the world do it for me.

I love a good vintage pattern that provides as little information to go forward with as is possible. It is a challenge I can’t resist. The language of vintage patterns is a code of communication unto itself. Almost nothing means what it should and a fair bit of it usually makes no sense at all. Information that would be considered crucial today is always missing. A pattern I chose to work on when I was just a neophyte kept repeating “throw yarn”, which I finally did. I hurled yarn and needles right across the room. Later, when I calmly reflected on the instruction, I realized it indicated a way of looping yarn around needle to make a knit stitch. I find it deeply rewarding when I finally know what someone many decades ago created and how she created it. It’s as if a hand has reached out over the decades to say “I was here. This is what I did.”

I want to give a quick shout out to Salpal, you can find the Salpal blog here. I totally misunderstood the question. I bought the lottery ticket today. If you want to know what the question was go to my previous post on the question what would you do if….

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Quite A Yarn

Yarning about yarn

My Tangled Yarn Knitting Adventures

Ramblings from an obsessed knitter

FahrOut Fiber Adventures

Traversing the world of knitting, crochet, and yarn

The Knit Knack's Blog

at home with Lara's wheels, spindles, looms & dye pots

Josefin Waltin spinner

For the love of spinning

Wool n' Spinning

a shared passion for handspun yarn


Where we knit with a passion


yeah right.

The Contented Crafter

A blog containing random thoughts, bits of life, creations from my art room and tales of a cat named Orlando and a puppy named Siddy

the twisted yarn

Knitting, crochet, running, and silliness.

KDD & Co

Award-winning Scottish publishing and design


random posts about things I am doing or thinking

Wendy Knits

Knitting Yarn and Life


Knitting Yarn and Life

Yarn Harlot

Knitting Yarn and Life